Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) #3

From Illustration of “TOD” from Institute of Transportation and Development Policy This is a slightly longer version of an article published by Wales Centre for Public Policy in June 2024. It is also, in effect, a draft summary of one of the chapters of my WIP book on the South Wales Metro (watch this space!) … Continue reading Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) #3

Welsh Independence…no, not like North Korea (or even Brexit!)

Independence - No not like North Korea, or Brexit for that matter... I think the debate on independence in Wales, and constitutional reform more broadly, is more often than not confused because many, even most of us, are not clear what we mean by independence; and those opposed to the idea often equate it with the most … Continue reading Welsh Independence…no, not like North Korea (or even Brexit!)