What is going in the US re: UAPs?

This is another departure for me….

As a child growing up in the 1960s/1970s I was fascinated with space, the Apollo programme and the potential for life elsewhere in the universe – and the possibility of UFOs.  However, by my teens I had moved on with regard to the latter and like most people had been convinced this was a fringe interest, with no substance, held by people lacking in rationality and objectivity.

However, since about 2014/5 a few things started to get me thinking.  First reading about the incident at Ariel School in  Zimbabwe in 1994 and watching the video testimony from so many children was stark; especially the warnings of the damage we were doing to the environment.  Similarly, the stories from  Westall in Australia with hundreds of witnesses to that event in 1966.

Then in 2017, the stories from US military personal and their recalling of the incident on the USS Nimitz in 2005 (and the videos and supporting radar data to back up the eyewitness statements) was really an eye opener (Resulting from an investigation by Leslie Kean, Ralp Blumenthal and Helen Cooper and published in the New York Times). Later in 2017 the US DoD admitted it had been researching “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” (UAP) for years, and had a department to do so; at the same time, somehow a number of videos were “leaked” into the public domain (probably thanks to Chris Mellon – former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton administration).

Roll on to June 2023, and after much chatter, and some new laws in the US to further fund such research and to protect whistle blowers, in May 2023, a high-ranking intelligence official, David Grusch, came forward. He had very high security clearances from within US intelligence agencies and made some startling claims. Primarily that the US had been operating a UAP crash retrieval programme for decades.  This has led to the current interest of US Congress men and women and the formal hearing under oath on 26th July 2023, with David Grusch, David Fravor and Ryan Graves.

Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency – United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

This is all pretty gobsmacking. Worth watching the session and reflecting on statements made and implications thereof. The three witnesses have nothing to gain and everything to lose if they are lying.

I have done some further digging around and have to say these incidents (from all over the world) and/or the claims made by these people below are very persuasive and would suggest if true that the world is not as it seems: 

I have to say, now, I am not so sure, and suspect there actually might be something to all of this.  The Universe is at least 13Bn years old and humans have been around on this planet for but an instant.  We know there are billions of other planets.   It is clearly plausible that there is other complex life in the universe, and statistically likely if that is the case, that they know we are here. So, the suggestion that we might be being observed by a more intelligent and technologically capable species is not so far-fetched.  After all we observe animals in their own habitats on earth.

This is all very interesting and suggests to me one of three things:

  1. There is in fact a world changing revelation about (perhaps?) to become acknowledged and more widely known re: our place in the Universe – the startling implication being that some parts of some governments have known about this for decades!
  2. A huge number of credible people and organisations (inc military) have been mistaken by their experiences over decades
  3. That the US has led for decades a disinformation campaign on this subject  – for  what reason I can’t imagine (some suggest secret US Military programmes?)

I am watching proceedings in the US with interest…but in so doing remember Carl Sagan’s quote “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” …..balanced with another of his quotes that “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

PS whilst there clearly is some tension and differences in opinion between Congress (and recent Whistleblowers and their sworn testimony) and AARO, the latter has now set up public face as per this press release from the DoD. The DoD AARO Website is here. Although as it now appears the AARO office does not have all the security clearances necessary to access the relevant data/sources

PS Dec 2023 – there is clearly a major “fight” taking place at Congress where number of senior politicians, under pressure by deep pocketed lobbyists from the Military Industrial Complex, are trying to kill the Schumer amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would mandate government records related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) carry the presumption of disclosure (that provision was also ready passed by the Senate). Why go to such efforts if there is nothing to it. This video update from Randall Nickerson on November 30th highlights some of the nefarious skullduggery that has occurred since the hearing in July!

This MARIK VON RENNENKAMPFF article in The Hill on December 5th 2023 covers it pretty well.

PS 8 December 2023…the Schumer amendment to the NDAA (designed to enable a coordinated and legal disclosure) was guttedstory. tells its own story

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