What use is GDP on a planet with no trees or bees?

A version of this blog appeared in Bylines Cymru on 18th February 2024 No, I'm not an economist, so if you are and/or are better informed please challenge this “wip draft”. As it stands, it seems to me we have an enormous “elephant in the room” re GDP, which we can no longer ignore!. Unless … Continue reading What use is GDP on a planet with no trees or bees?

A little knowledge is dangerous

A version of this blog was published in Bylines Cymru in August 2023 Over the last few weeks, I have become aware of some “climate change” arguments propagating, based around the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.    I have to be honest, from the top of my head I couldn’t remember.  I had a look … Continue reading A little knowledge is dangerous